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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mysterious = Excitement?

Someone told me that if something is not mysterious enough, it won't be interesting, because everybody else is there to see it. Just like a blog, if it's not hidden and open for public reading, it will not motivate him to do any further reading.

I had a good laugh when I heard this, although it was 1.30am in the morning and I was kinda sleepy. So I replied, some of my friends would want to read them, and making my blog not user-friendly isn't convenient for my readers.

Yea yea I admit I don't have many of my so-called "readers", but I do have "some" okay? =P

So that actually made me think, putting my personal thoughts online and share it with public, is it a wise thing to do? People may just steal something personal from you and make it theirs. *as in the case of plagiarism* But again, who would want to steal your personal stories?

For me, blogging is a way for me to release my stress and to share my sharable personal experiences to my friends. Take it as a lesson, or just merely reading a not-so-interesting story. So take it this way,

Letting someone to read your stories isn't a bad thing, as long as it is beneficial for them, then it is also a good thing for you. =)

So I guess I'll continue blogging like this, just the way I like it to be. ^_^


Amir Omar said...

Your blog is somewhat like your personal diary,
if anyone wouldnt want to read, what the f,
who cares right,
continue writing cos i like to read

Jasmine Wong said...

haha.. sure thing my dear.. long live "public" bloggers.. =P