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Friday, December 17, 2010


One of the seven deadly sins that I have committed - Greed.

I admit that I have never contented with what I have. I always wanted more, because I think I deserve what others could have. So when people around me have something new, I wanted one. I worked hard to earn one and get one.

I always thought there's nothing wrong with this greed. It was a motivation for me to do things, it pushed me to my limits, it makes me more hardworking.

But when this greed apply to my relationships in life, it is no more a good thing. This greed made me ugly. I am as needy as you can possibly imagine. I am full of jealousy. I want things more than I could possibly have.

This greed made me feel upset about a lot of things, and made me always full of doubt. I could never trust again, nor give my entire heart and soul to one. I am that greedy.

When I have committed this sin, is there any chance that I could undo it? Is there some way to curb it?

1 comment:

Melancholic Fool said...

curb it yes... undo it? no...