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Monday, October 18, 2010


It is a sick obsession to force others to think and act according to your wants, and I have one.

I must be quite good in my persuasion. 70% of my pleas end up with the ways I want. Most of it were materials, some of it are humans. Some, are just pure evil intentions.

But lately I find myself reluctant to repeat the act, towards everything and everyone. I just simply, let go. I don't force, I don't beg, I just don't act. When the old me would try anything to get the things I wanted, the new me, well, it's a lazy person. I finally able to give and take whatever that I have been offered with. I have no complains nor kicks.

Is this the way that I'm going to end all my obsession all these while? Am I moving towards the path of goodness?

However, deep down in me there's still an itch, telling me to end things with a final act. A test of ability and skill, I shall put it.

Deep down in me also tells me that, there's a risk of me going back to the old self once I tasted the sweetness of victory. Because once an obsession, you'll never forget the taste of it.

I'm such a cannibal. I know. So should I go ahead to do it, or not?

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